Publications & Presentations
by Daniel Pickar, Ph.D.
Publications: |
Pickar, D.B., & Kaufman, R.L. (in press, 2024). Children with special needs and family law. In M. Saini, L. Drozd, & N. Olesen (Eds.). Parenting plan evaluations: Applied research for the family court (3rd. Edition). New York: Oxford University Press.
Kaufman, R.L., & Pickar, D.B. (in press, 2024). Dispute resolution challenges
for families with a special needs child. Family Dispute Resolution Handbook. Oxford University Press.
Rappaport, S.R., & Pickar, D.B. (2023). Civil forensic assessment:
Child custody. In J. Mihura (Ed.). Oxford Handbook of Personality
and Psychopathology Assessment (2nd Edition). Oxford University Press.
Pickar, D.B. (2022). Considerations regarding child and parent
neurodiversity in family court ( PDF). Family Court Review, 60, 492-506.
Simon, R. A., & Pickar, D.B. (2019). Two views on the use of psychological testing in child custody evaluations ( PDF). Family Law News, 41(1), 29-39.
Pickar, D.B., & Kaufman, R.L. (2019). The special needs child after separation or divorce: Involving both parents in treatment and intervention planning (book chapter). In L. Greenberg, M. Saini, & Fidler (Eds.). Evidence-Informed Interventions for Court-Involved Families: Promoting Healthy Coping and Development. Oxford University Press.
Kaufman, R.L., & Pickar, D.B. (2017). Understanding parental
gatekeeping in families with a special needs child ( PDF). Family Court
Review, 55 (2), 195-212.
Kaufman, R.L., & Pickar, D.B. (2016). Child custody and parenting plan
evaluations (book chapter). In T. Masson (Ed.). Inside Forensic Psychology (pp. 248-282). Denver, CO: Praeger.
Pickar, D.B., & Kaufman, R.L. (2015). Parenting plans for special needs
children: Applying a risk-assessment model ( PDF). Family Court Review,
53 (1), 113-133.
Kaufman, R.L., & Pickar, D.B. (2014). Ten tips for writing high quality and
helpful custody evaluation reports ( PDF). AFCC eNews, 9(8), August 2014.
Kaufman, R.L., & Pickar, D.B. (2014). The child custody evaluation report:
Integrating forensic and clinical approaches in a multi-client system,
AFCC- California Newsletter,11, (Spring).
Pickar, D.B., & Kaufman, R.L. (2013).
The child custody evaluation report:
Towards an integrated model of practice ( PDF). Journal of Child Custody, 10, 17-53.
Pickar, D.B., & Kaufman, R.L. (2012).
Ten tips for developing parenting plans for special needs children
( PDF). AFCC eNews, Volume 7(12), December,
Pickar, D.B. (2011).
Intermittent evaluative mediation with enduring, postdivorce conflict
( PDF) Journal of Child Custody, 8, 143-165.
Pickar, D.B., & Kahn, J.J. (2011). Settlement-focused
parenting plan consultations: An evaluative
mediation alternative to child custody evaluations ( PDF) Family Court Review, 49, 59-71.
Pickar, D.B. (2009). Collaborative divorce:
Some new roles for psychologists ( PDF). The
Psychologist, 42, 14-17.
Pickar, D.B. & Lindsey, R.L. (2008).
Preparing child psychologists for managed care: Educational
and training considerations ( PDF). Brief
Treatment and Crisis Intervention, 8, 370-380.
Pickar, D.B. (2008, February 18). Parents are part of gang prevention. The Press Democrat,
Pickar, D.B. (2007). On being a child custody
evaluator: Professional and personal challenges,
risks, and rewards. ( PDF). Family Court
Review, 45, 103-115.
Pickar, D.B. (2007). Countertransference bias
in the child custody evaluator ( PDF). Journal
Custody, 4, 45-67.
Pickar, D.B. (2007). Countertransference bias in child custody evaluations is just a horse of
a different color: A rejoinder to Martindale and Gould ( PDF) Journal of Child Custody, 4, 77-89.
Erard, R.E., & Pickar, D.B. (2007). Countertranference bias: Self-examination, not
cross-examination ( PDF) Journal of Child Custody, 4, 101-109.
Pickar, D.B. (2003). Identifying
Stress-Responses to Divorce ( PDF). Sonoma
Medicine, 54,
Pickar, D.B. (1999). Classroom management of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Kaiser
Permanente Newsletter for the Sonoma County Schools, Spring, 8-10.
Pickar, D.B., and Tori, C.D. (1990). The learning disabled adolescent: Eriksonian
psychosocial development, self-concept, and delinquent behavior. In R. Muuss (Ed.),
Adolescent behavior and society: A book of readings. (pp. 379-385) New York: Random House.
Pickar, D.B. (1989). Brief group psychotherapy with adolescents. The Connecting Link (The
national mental health newsletter of Kaiser Permanente), 2, 7-10.
Colson, D.B., Pickar, D.B., & Coyne, L. (1989). Rorschach predictors of treatment difficulty in a
psychiatric hospital. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 53, 52-57.
Pickar, D.B. (1988). Group Psychotherapy and the learning disabled adolescent. Adolescence,
Pickar, D.B. (1986). Psychological aspects of learning disabilities: A review of research.
of the Menninger Clinic. 50, 22-32.
Pickar, D.B., and Tori, C.D. (1986). The learning disabled adolescent: Eriksonian psychosocial
development, self-concept, and delinquent behavior. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 15,
Hayden, B., and Pickar, D.B. (1981). The impact of moral discussions on children's level of moral
reasoning. Journal of Moral Education, 10, 131-134.
Recent Professional Presentations: |
Neurodiverse Children and Parents in Family Court: Psychological and
Judicial Perspectives on Avoiding Bias and Negative Presumptions. Webinar presentation to AFCC and the International Council of Family Court Judges, July 12, 2023.
Focused Issues in Family Law Involving Families with Neurodiverse Children. Workshop presentation at AFCC 60th annual conference, Los Angeles, June 1,
Keynote Speaker, Massachusetts AFCC Chapter Annual Conference. Neurodiversity: Understanding what it means and interpreting its implications in Juvenile and Probate Court, Boston, March 31, 2023.
Considerations Regarding Child and Parent Neurodiversity in Family Court. Plenary presentation at California AFCC Chapter Annual Conference, Costa Mesa, February 13, 2023.
Children with Special Needs and Resist/Refuse Dynamics: Unique Vulnerabilities. Workshop presentation at AFCC 15th Symposium, Las Vegas, November 12, 2022.
Keynote Speaker, Stanford Neurodiversity Summit. Neurodiverse individuals in the courtroom, Palo Alto, October 23, 2022.
Meeting the Challenges of Child and Parent Neurodiversity in Family Court. Workshop Presentation at AFCC 59th Annual Conference, Chicago, May 13, 2022.
Risk Assessment in a Relocation Evaluation Involving Two Children on
the Autism Spectrum: Workshop presentation at AFCC Fall Conference,
Cincinnati, Ohio, November 13, 2021.
Can You Hear Me Now? Can You See Me Now?: Invited presentation for plenary panel, AFCC Fall Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 13, 2021.
Risky Business: Challenges and Hazards for Family Law Professionals Working with High-Conflict Families. Workshop presentation at AFCC California Chapter Annual Conference, San Francisco, February 8, 2020.
Navigating Sanchez in the Wild West: Diverse Approaches and Applications in the California Family Courts. Invited plenary panel speaker, AFCC California Chapter Annual Conference, San Francisco, February 8, 2020.
Special Needs Children. Invited presentation for the AFCC Judicial Webinar Series, August 28, 2019 (with Judge Michelle Short).
Sometimes, One Size Does Not Fit All: Interventions for Divorced Families with a Special Needs Child. Workshop presented at the 56th AFCC Annual Conference, Toronto, May 31, 2019 (with Robert Kaufman, Ph.D).
What the Competent Use of Psychological Testing Can Contribute to Parenting Plan Evaluations (with Sol Rappaport, Ph.D.). Workshop presentation at AFCC 13th Symposium on Child Custody Evaluations, Denver, November 9, 2018.
People vs. Sanchez in Child Custody Cases. Family Law Section, Sonoma County Bar Association, September 12, 2018.
Psychological Testing in Family Law Matters: Rumors of Its Demise are Greatly Exaggerated. Workshop presentation at AFCC California Chapter Annual Conference, San Francisco, February 1, 2018.
Divorce and the Special Needs Child. Invited webinar presentation to the American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), November 17, 2017.
Divorce and the Special Needs Child: Challenges in Developing Parenting Plans and Negotiating Financial Issues. Invited workshop presentation at the Annual AFCC/AAML Conference on Advanced Issues in Child Custody: Evaluation, Litigation, and Settlement, San Diego, September 15, 2017.
Special Needs Children in Separation and Divorce: Unique Challenges for Family Law Professionals. Invited full day institute presented at the 54th Annual AFCC Conference, Boston, May 31, 2017.
Special Needs Children in Divorce and Separation. Full day seminar presentation (with Robert Kaufman, Ph.D.), Northern California Mediation
Center, Corte Madera, CA, December 9, 2016.
Understanding Parental Gatekeeping in Families with a Special Needs Child
(with Robert Kaufman, Ph.D.). AFCC 12th Symposium on Child Custody
Evaluations, Atlanta, November 4, 2016.
Recognizing and Coping with Countertransference Reactions in Family Law
Practice, Family Law Section, Sonoma County Bar Association, September 21,
Special Needs Children in Family Court. Invited plenary speaker at the AFCC
California Chapter Annual Conference, February 21, 2016.
The Relationship between Parental Gatekeeping and Alienation Dynamics in High-Conflict Divorce. Family Law Section, Sonoma County Bar Association, November 18, 2015.
Parental Gatekeeping, Alienation, and Working with Families in the Midst of High-Conflict Divorce. Invited presentation to the Redwood Psychological Association, November 12, 2015.
Special Needs Children in Family Court: A Risk Assessment Model for Crafting Parenting Plans. Workshop presented at the 52nd AFCC Conference (1.5 hours), New Orleans, May 28, 2015 (with Robert Kaufman,Ph.D).
Writing the Child Custody Evaluation Report: Integrating Forensic and Clinical Perspectives. Full-day institute presented at the 11th AFCC Symposium on Child Custody Evaluations, November 6, 2014, San Antonio (with Robert Kaufman, Ph.D.).
Writing the Child Custody Evaluation Report: Integrating Forensic and Clinical Approaches.
Half-day institute presented at the AFCC-California Chapter Annual Conference, February 7, 2014
(with Robert Kaufman, Ph.D.).
Roles of Mental Health and Legal Professionals in Relocation Cases. Family Law Section, Sonoma
County Bar Association, November 13, 2013.
Parenting Plan Considerations for Special Needs Children. Workshop presented at the AFCC
50th Annual Conference, Los Angeles, 5/30/13 (with Robert Kaufman, Ph.D.)
The Transference-Countertransference Matrix in Family Law Relationships. Family Law
Section, Sonoma County Bar Association, 5/15/13.
An Integrated Model for Child Custody Evaluation Reports. Workshop presented at the 10th AFCC
Symposium on Child Custody Evaluations, Phoenix, 11/2/2012 (with Robert Kaufman, Ph.D.)
Intermittent Evaluative Mediation with Enduring Post-Divorce Conflict. Workshop presented at the
AFCC 49th Annual Conference, Chicago, 6/7/12.
Alienation Dynamics in Collaborative Cases: Strategies for the Collaborative Team. Three-hour
workshop presented (with Sheryl Hausman, Ph.D.) at Collaborative Practice California, 6th Annual
Statewide Conference, 4/28/12.
Special Needs Children in Collaborative Practice: Implications for Parenting Plans, Collaborative
Council of the Redwood Empire, 11/16/11.
Child Specialist Training: A Scientifically-Informed Collaborative Model. Three- hour workshop
presented at the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals 12th Annual Forum, San
Francisco, 10/29/11.
Developmental Considerations for Overnights with Young Children. Sonoma County Bar Association
and Superior Court of Sonoma County, 5/18/11.
Children and Adults with Mental Health Issues in Family Court. Invited presentation for the
California Administrative Offices of the Courts, 2010 Bay Area Dispute Resolution Training, San
Francisco, 10/14/10.
The Settlement-Focused Parenting Plan Consultation: A New ADR Procedure for Divorcing Parents.
AFCC 47th Annual Conference, Denver, 6/3/10.
Clients, Lawyers, Opposing Parties, Custody Evaluators: The Transference-Countertransference
Hula. American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers, Northern CA 34th Annual Symposium, 5/16/10.
The Alientated Child and Visitation Refusal in Divorce: Psychological Dynamics and Therapeutic and
Legal Management. Sonoma County Bar Association, 11/19/09.
Innovative Alternative Dispute Resolution Approaches to Divorce and Child Custody. Grand Rounds
Presentation, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, 10/27/09.
The Child Specialist: Listening to Children's Voices in the Collaborative Process. Collaborative
Council of the Redwood Empire Monthly Meeting, 6/24/2009.
Settlement-Focused Parenting Plan Consultations. Superior Court of Sonoma County/Family Law Bar
Quarterly Meeting, 1/16/09.
An Overview of Brief Therapy with Children and Families. Day long workshop for the San Franscisco
Unified School District Counseling Staff, 10/23/08.
Reducing Bias in Child Custody Evaluations: Issues and Controversies (with David Martindale,
Ph.D., 90 minute workshop). Eight International Child Custody Evaluator Symposium, Association of
Family and Conciliation Courts, Albuquerque, NM, 9/25/09.
Child Alienation in High-Conflict Divorce, Grand Rounds, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center,
Child Development and Child Interviewing Techniques, Minor's Counsel Educational Program, Sonoma
County Bar Association, 1/24/09.
Managing Your Most Difficult Clients, Presentation to Sonoma County Bar Association, 9/11/08.
Challenges in Treating Children and Families in High-Conflict Divorce, Grand Rounds Presentation,
Department of Psychiatry, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, 4/29/08.
Counter-Transference Dilemmas and Bias Amongst Family Law Professionals, Association of Family and
Conciliation Courts (90 minute workshop), California Division, Annual conference, 2/10/07.
Deposing the Expert: Custody Evaluator Perspectives, Legal Aid of Sonoma County, 6/24/06.
Supervision of Child and Family Therapy. Workshop at Kaiser Permanente - Northern California
Regional Mental Health Training, 10/5/05.
Child Custody Evaluations: Procedures for Conducting a Comprehensive Evaluation: Grand Rounds,
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, 3/27/01.
Comprehensive Treatment of Suicidal Adolescents, Sonoma County Academic Foundation for Excellence
in Medicine, 2/28/97.
Challenging Custody Issues in High-Conflict Divorce (with focus on parental alienation), Sonoma
County Bar Association, 4/30/1997.